Specialty Treatment

Ashiatsu Massage
Ashiatsu back walking massage (60min) is dominantly using body weight and feet on the client. Therapist is supported by the overhead bars to offer deep and broad pressure during the treatment. Many clients love this technique because the massage is targeting large muscle groups easily and much more broad without feeling much sharp sensation. It can treat lower back pain, muscle tightness and muscle fatigue.

Acupuncture Treatment
Acupuncture is a traditional Chinese medicine which is used to balance the flow of the energy in the human body. By inserting needles into specific points along these meridians, acupuncture is known to stimulate nerves, muscles and connective tissue to boost the body’s natural pain killer.
At Magic Massage, acupuncturist is able to alleviate pain through the meridian points along neck, shoulders and lower back. It is recommended to book 6-10 treatments for beneficial result.

Cupping Massage
Cupping is a traditional treatment which involves the therapist applying suction to affected areas. Cupping aids in muscle relaxation and reduces muscle tightness by increasing the circulation and promoting better energy movement. Cupping also draws the toxin to the surface of body.
At Magic Massage, we may recommend cupping as part of your massage. Some benefits of cupping includes:
Alleviate pain disorders
Muscle aches and tightness
Relieve stress and anxiety
Increase blood flow and metabolism
Cupping is often used together with acupuncture, remedial massage and deep tissue massage. If you are interest in cupping with remedial massage and acupuncture, reach out to Magic Massage to discuss a treatment plan and make a booking at Sunshine Plaza clinic.

Remedial massages
Remedial massages aim to treat injuries, aches and pains,and reduced range of motion in your massage treatment plan. Health fund rebates are available, and new clients are required to complete an intake form.